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- Featured
- Compute
- Containers
- Storage
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- Content Delivery & Edge Computing
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- Business Applications
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- Security & Compliance
- Management & Governance
- Migration
- Blockchain
- Huawei Cloud Stack
- App Service

Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)
Get your own secure, scalable virtual servers in the cloud

Elastic IP (EIP)
Create highly available systems with static public IP addresses

Power your LAMP stack with this popular, open-source database

Object Storage Service (OBS)
Take advantage of infinitely scalable, durable, and secure object storage

Cloud Backup and Recovery (CBR)
Centrally manage backups of your cloud and on-premises resources

Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Get content to users on this fast, scalable, and secure network

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
Detect and extract text from any image and convert the text into JSON format

Cloud Container Engine (CCE)
Experience enterprise-class, managed Kubernetes service

Build, train, and deploy machine learning models quickly and easily

Huawei Cloud Meeting
Enjoy ultra-HD videoconferencing that is both reliable and secure

Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)
Get your own secure, scalable virtual servers in the cloud

GPU Accelerated Cloud Server (GACS)
Get servers with excellent floating-point performance

Bare Metal Server (BMS)
Run services on dedicated, powerful physical servers

Dedicated Host (DeH)
Ensure performance by keeping compute resources isolated

Auto Scaling
Adapt compute resources to changing demand

Image Management Service (IMS)
Create and deploy servers faster with images

Run your code without provisioning or managing servers

Dedicated Computing Cluster (DCC)
Physically isolate compute resource pools for your workloads

Cloud Phone Host (CPH)
Cloud servers with virtual phone functions

Ubiquitous Cloud Native Service (UCS)
Extend cloud native to where your business goes

Cloud Container Engine (CCE)
Experience enterprise-class, managed Kubernetes service

Cloud Container Instance (CCI)
Build applications efficiently with serverless containers

SoftWare Repository for Container (SWR)
Manage your container images easily

Object Storage Service (OBS)
Take advantage of infinitely scalable, durable, and secure object storage

Elastic Volume Service (EVS)
Give your servers persistent block storage

Cloud Backup and Recovery (CBR)
Centrally manage backups of your cloud and on-premises resources

Scalable File Service (SFS)
Enjoy fully hosted NAS file systems

Dedicated Distributed Storage Service (DSS)
Get dedicated, physical block storage

Storage Disaster Recovery Service (SDRS)
Enjoy cross-AZ, zero-RPO data protection for your ECSs

Volume Backup Service (VBS)
Back up cloud disks on running servers

Cloud Server Backup Service (CSBS)
Consistently back up disks on your cloud servers

Data Express Service (DES)
Transmit massive volumes of data safely and quickly to Huawei Cloud

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Guard your system with isolated, private networks

Elastic IP (EIP)
Create highly available systems with static public IP addresses

Elastic Load Balance (ELB)
Distribute incoming traffic across multiple backend servers

Direct Connect
Establish dedicated network connections to Huawei Cloud

Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Connect your local data center to the cloud through secure and reliable IPsec connections

Enterprise Switch
Connect cloud and on-premises networks at Layer 2

Cloud Connect
Connect VPCs across regions

NAT Gateway (NAT)
Enable network address translation for cloud and on-premises servers

VPC Endpoint (VPCEP)
Set up private connections between VPCs

Enterprise Router
Connect your VPCs and on-premises networks simply and easily

Global Accelerator
Accelerate access over Huawei Cloud backbone network
Content Delivery & Edge Computing

An enterprise-grade, distributed relational database

GaussDB(for MySQL)
A MySQL-compatible enterprise-grade database

A multi-model NoSQL database compatible with Redis, Mongo, and more

Document Database Service (DDS)
A MongoDB-compatible document database deployed in a cluster, replica set, or single node

Power your LAMP stack with this popular, open-source database

RDS for PostgreSQL
An open-source database that ensures data reliability and integrity

Distributed Database Middleware (DDM)
Scale out resources to handle massive volumes of concurrent requests

Data Replication Service (DRS)
Migrate your databases with minimal downtime

Data Admin Service (DAS)
Manage your online databases with ease

Database and Application Migration UGO
Migrate heterogeneous database schemas

RDS for MariaDB
Power up your fully managed MariaDB

Build, train, and deploy machine learning models quickly and easily

Huawei HiLens (HiLens)
Use this platform for multimodal AI development

Graph Engine Service (GES)
Query and analyze graph-structure data based on relationships

Question Answering Bot (QABot)
Build and manage intelligent Q&A bots

Image Recognition
Identify visual content in images

Content Moderation
Detect inappropriate content in images, text, and videos

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
Detect and extract text from any image and convert the text into JSON format

Image Search
Help the search of exact/fuzzy match images from the specified gallery

Short Sentence Recognition
Convert short audio files (up to a minute long) into text

Use AI to facilitate genomics, drug discovery, and medical imaging

MapReduce Service (MRS)
Run open source analytics workloads on high-availability big data clusters

Data Lake Insight (DLI)
Analyze and process streaming and batch data

Cloud Stream Service (CS)
Process streaming data in real time

Data Warehouse Service (DWS)
Give your warehouse market-leading performance, superlative stability, and on-demand scaling

Data Lake Visualization (DLV)
Create dashboards to track and display complex data in real time

DataArts Studio
Manage your data development and governance in one place

Data Ingestion Service (DIS)
Ingest, process, and dump data in real time

Cloud Search Service (CSS)
Query accurately by multiple conditions
Internet of Things

Cloud Service Engine (CSE)
Cover microservice application registration, discovery, configuration management, and governance

Distributed Cache Service (DCS) for Redis
An in-memory caching service compatible with Redis

Distributed Cache Service (DCS) for Memcached
A high-performance distributed caching system

Distributed Message Service (DMS)
A high-performance managed message queue service

Distributed Message Service (DMS) for Kafka
A fully managed, highly reliable message middleware service

API Gateway (APIG)
Build, manage, and deploy APIs at any scale

Multi-Site High Availability Service (MAS)
E2E service failover and DR drills
Developer Services

Develop software with built-in Huawei expertise

CodeArts Req
Manage R&D requirements efficiently

CodeArts Repo
Host your code in private Git repositories

CodeArts Pipeline
Visualize and customize continuous delivery

CodeArts Check
Manage code quality with diverse standards, guidelines, and rules

CodeArts Build
Build code with out-of-the-box capabilities

CodeArts Deploy
Visualize and simplify code deployments

CodeArts TestPlan
A one-stop test management platform

CodeArts Artifact
Secure, reliable artifacts for software development

A one-stop PaaS service for enterprises

CodeArts PerfTest
Test the performance of your applications

Astro Zero
Develop in low code
Business Applications

Domain Name Service (DNS)
Highly available, scalable authoritative resolution

Message & SMS
SMS solutions from multiple carriers and channels

Huawei Cloud Meeting
Enjoy ultra-HD videoconferencing that is both reliable and secure

Digital collaborative office platform

ROMA Connect
Seamlessly integrate applications, messages, data, APIs, and devices

Cognitive Engagement Center (CEC)
A multi-channel contact center

Edge Data Center Management
Remote cloud management for data center facilities
Media Services
Security & Compliance

Anti-DDoS Service (AAD)
Divert attack traffic to high-defense IP addresses

Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Shield web apps and websites against emerging threats 24/7

Cloud Firewall (CFW)
Control traffic and prevent intrusions

Host Security Service (HSS)
Manage assets, prevent intrusions, and eliminate vulnerabilities

Container Guard Service (CGS)
Protect containers throughout their lifecycles

Cloud Bastion Host (CBH)
Manage servers, control permissions, and audit O&M

Database Security Service (DBSS)
Audit databases and detect SQL injections

Data Encryption Workshop (DEW)
Encrypt data and manage keys on the cloud

Cloud Certificate Manager (CCM)
Manage SSL and private certificates

Data Security Center (DSC)
Cloud native data security governance platform

Intelligent, next-gen cloud native security operations center

Managed Threat Detection (MTD)
Identify malicious activities and unauthorized behavior

Compliance Compass
Security compliance assessment and governance

Edge Security (EdgeSec)
Protect edge applications while improving acceleration
Management & Governance

Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Securely manage access to your services and resources

Simple Message Notification (SMN)
Send messages to email addresses, phone numbers, and HTTP/HTTPS servers at scale

Cloud Eye
Monitor your cloud resources, events, and websites

Application Operations Management (AOM)
A one-stop O&M platform for cloud resources and applications

Application Performance Management (APM)
Monitor application performance in near real time

Log Tank Service (LTS)
Collect, query, and store logs

Cloud Trace Service (CTS)
Track operations made on your cloud resources

Resource Access Manager (RAM)
Securely share resources across accounts

Govern multiple accounts within your organization

Track global resource configurations and changes

Resource Formation Service (RFS)
Automatically build cloud service resources in batches

Optimization Advisor (OA)
Identify potential risks of cloud resources and get personalized recommendations

Server Migration Service (SMS)
Migrate servers in IDC or other clouds to Huawei Cloud

Object Storage Migration Service (OMS)
Migrate data in object storage to Huawei Cloud

Cloud Data Migration (CDM)
Migrate data between homogeneous and heterogeneous sources

Migration Center (MgC)
Simply your migration and modernization in a single place
Huawei Cloud Stack