Developer Zone
Development Architecture
HiLens Framework
Development Ecosystem
Model Management
You can directly import models trained in ModelArts or use models developed offline. Model conversion is also supported.
Easy to Use
Huawei HiLens delivers one-stop skill development, deployment, release, and management, and seamlessly interconnects with your devices.
Modular Development
The HiLens Framework encapsulates basic components, provides unified APIs, and supports multiple development frameworks, simplifying the development process.
One-Click Release and Deployment
After you develop a skill, you can make it available on the skill market or deploy it on devices.
Easy-to-Use Development Components
The HiLens Framework encapsulates basic components of video analysis algorithms for image processing, inference, logging, video cloud streaming, and EI service interconnection. Developers can develop skills with minimal coding.
Chip-Based Performance Optimization
Time-consuming compute units in AI algorithms are optimized based on the HiSilicon chip architecture to achieve higher computing performance.
Skills Portability
Skills developed on the HiLens platform run on any Ascend 310 devices, including HiLens Kit cameras and AI edge stations.
Python and C++ Interfaces
Developers can use interfaces in different languages to adapt to different scenarios.

Online Model Conversion
Models in formats like Caffe can be converted into OM models supported by Ascend 310 chips. This enables developers to quickly develop AI skills oriented to HiLens Kit cameras by importing models trained in ModelArts or offline models.
HiLens Framework Integrated into HiLens Kit
The HiLens Framework encapsulates basic components of video analysis algorithms and is optimized based on the HiSilicon chip architecture. It provides various APIs for developers to accelerate skill development.
ROS Support
HiLens Kit cameras can drive hardware devices such as the Arduino board, MS Kinect, RPLidar, and Web camera.
Sound AI Developer Ecosystem
The HiLens platform provides a skill market, enabling developers to release developed skills that run on HiSilicon 35xx series and Ascend 310 series chips. Other developers can buy these skills in the skill market.
Application Scenarios
Shopping Mall and Supermarket

AI edge stations integrated with Ascend chips are perfect for campus-wide intelligent management. AI edge stations can be deployed outdoors and do not require equipment rooms. Both devices are compact and manage up to 16 video channels, facilitating analysis of large amounts of video data.
Related Services
HardwareHiLens Kit | AI Edge Station

With device-cloud algorithm synergy, smart home cameras that integrate Huawei HiSilicon 35xx series chips significantly improve home video analysis capabilities and are ideal for home intelligent management and household product manufacturers.
Related Services
HardwareHardware with HiSilicon 35xx Series Chips
If you buy related services, you can get free trials for certain services in the skill market.

Shopping Mall and Supermarket
HiLens Kit cameras can be integrated to support 6- or 8-channel video analysis layouts in complex scenarios. The cameras can use multiple skills simultaneously. They feature a small-form factor and can be placed indoors.
Related Services
HardwareHiLens Kit
If you buy related services, you can get free trials for certain services in the skill market.

Shopping Mall and Supermarket
Construction Site
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