CodeArts Check provides nearly 2000 Huawei typical check rules and multi-dimensional reports for quality gates, code health status, etc.
CodeArts Check provides nearly 2000 Huawei typical check rules and multi-dimensional reports for quality gates, code health status, etc.
You can locate reported defects under fix guidance and customize check rule sets to target at defects that you pay more attention to.
You can locate reported defects under fix guidance and customize check rule sets to target at defects that you pay more attention to.
CodeCheck supports code guideline, security, code repetition rate, and cyclomatic complexity checks in 10 mainstream development languages such as Java, C#, and JavaScript. It is compatible with CWE/OWASP TOP 10/SANS TOP 25/CERT security standards.
CodeCheck supports code guideline, security, code repetition rate, and cyclomatic complexity checks in 10 mainstream development languages such as Java, C#, and JavaScript. It is compatible with CWE/OWASP TOP 10/SANS TOP 25/CERT security standards.
You can check code in hybrid languages, run configured tasks by one click, filter defects in batches, and quick handle defects by severity or category.
You can check code in hybrid languages, run configured tasks by one click, filter defects in batches, and quick handle defects by severity or category.
Application Scenarios
Application Scenario
Code quality and security issues need to be automatically checked during software development. Quality and security guidelines need to be incorporated into software production workflows.
Application Scenario
Government cloud operators and large enterprises need in-depth code security check capabilities to manage ISV software security quality and build supply chain security systems.
Supports common development languages such as Java, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, PHP, C#, and Android.
Supports common development languages such as Java, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, PHP, C#, and Android.
Provides nearly 2000 Huawei typical check rule sets to support scenarios such as web app, security, architecture, and coding defect checks.
Provides nearly 2000 Huawei typical check rule sets to support scenarios such as web app, security, architecture, and coding defect checks.
You can define your own check rule sets based on rule libraries to meet specific scenario requirements.
You can define your own check rule sets based on rule libraries to meet specific scenario requirements.
Provides detailed impact description, correct examples, incorrect examples, and fix suggestions for each code defect.
Provides detailed impact description, correct examples, incorrect examples, and fix suggestions for each code defect.
You can filter defects by severity, defect category, language, or file directory.
You can filter defects by severity, defect category, language, or file directory.
Provides quality rates, risk levels, defect trends, and multiple code quality reports.
Provides quality rates, risk levels, defect trends, and multiple code quality reports.