Why Config?
Resource Overview
Config provides a single platform where you can manage all your cloud resources in one place. On the Config console, you can search for and view resources regardless of what region they are deployed in, export information about these resources, and view resource information such as basic details, configuration details, and what enterprise projects they have been assigned to.
Cross-Region Access
You can query your resources in different regions and take advantage of convenient search capabilities.
Exporting Resource Snapshots
For each resource, you can view and export a snapshot of configuration details, and query the snapshots for configuration changes.

Tracking Resource Changes
After the resource recorder is configured, Config records any resource changes every six hours and takes new resource snapshots every 24 hours.
You can easily query the resource records and trace resource changes.
- You can search for the stored JSON files recorded changes to make troubleshooting easier.
- Data can be imported to a big data analysis platform for historical analysis.

Resource Change Notifications
The Config resource recorder, once enabled, continuously tracks resource changes (such as creations, deletions, and modifications), dumps resource change files to OBS buckets, and notifies third-party subscription endpoints of resource changes using Simple Message Notification (SMN). If an enterprise migrates its on-premises or third-party cloud resources to its CloudCMDB system, Config will notify the enterprise of this change.
- You can use APIs to centrally query your cloud resources managed by Config.
- When a resource is created, modified, or deleted, or if a resource relationship changes, Config sends an HTTP message to a third-party system using SMN, ensuring you learn of this resource change in a timely manner.

Continuous Compliance Audit
Running rules lets you continuously evaluate the compliance of your resource configurations.
Built-in Policies
With built-in policies, you can add rules by specifying the scope of resources to be audited. As specified in the rules, any configuration changes for those resources will trigger a compliance evaluation.
Advanced Queries
With Advanced Queries, you can customize query rules, run them to search for resources, and evaluate the compliance of resource configurations.