Sichuan is the Chinese province with the second largest forest. In the mostly mountains and gorges of Western Sichuan, the dry climate, wind volatility, and zero connectivity make fire prevention and emergency response a challenge. Digital tech is key, and Huawei Cloud connects people and systems for all-weather, round-the-clock wildfires monitoring. Its continued success is a model for deploying Huawei's device-edge-cloud collaboration.
Sichuan is the Chinese province with the second largest forest. In the mostly mountains and gorges of Western Sichuan, the dry climate, wind volatility, and zero connectivity make fire prevention and emergency response a challenge. Digital tech is key, and Huawei Cloud connects people and systems for all-weather, round-the-clock wildfires monitoring. Its continued success is a model for deploying Huawei's device-edge-cloud collaboration.
Customer Pain Points
No network signal or power, while fire reports by paper trail are long and slow
No network signal or power, while fire reports by paper trail are long and slow
Manual observation uses telescopes and is affected by fatigue and sight range
Manual observation uses telescopes and is affected by fatigue and sight range
Drone patrol
High cost and easily affected by the weather
High cost and easily affected by the weather
Satellite monitoring
Low spatial resolution and detected hot spots are mostly fires
Low spatial resolution and detected hot spots are mostly fires
Command coordination
Inefficient communication between frontline and central without audiovisual support
Inefficient communication between frontline and central without audiovisual support
Multi-dimensional, integrated environment monitoring enables 150,000 rangers from the cloud
Thanks to Huawei Cloud video monitoring, livestreaming, database, and ROMA services, forest rangers are now fully connected. With access to diverse resources for instant reporting and unified data display, wildfires are detected, reported, and handled earlier.
1. Apps connect to 150,000+ rangers, streamlining five levels of reporting into just two
2. A platform unifies video from ground surveillance, watchtowers, checkpoints, drones, and communication vehicles for visualizing and decision-making
3. Satellite resources from multiple partners monitor and display forest and grass fires on the instant report app for early detection and handling
In 2021, Sichuan Forestry and Grassland Bureau teamed up with Huawei and Digital Giant Panda to build a holistic wildfire prevention system that covers the sky, ground, and people. It is built on Huawei Cloud Stack and uses cloud services to detect and verify suspected hot spots within one hour. So far, the system has been connected to 12 satellites, 900+ ground surveillance systems, and 150,000 rangers, working around the clock to protect the forest from fire.
In 2021, the system detected over 600 hot spots that led to the discovery and containment of more than 100 fires. By protecting the forest, the system protects its ecosystems.

Protection of our wild giant pandas used to be primitive. Our field work yielded inaccurate and unmanageable data. With environmental awareness and tech advancement, our protection methods have also evolved. We now use infrared cameras and satellites, and combine them with 5G, AI, and cloud for comprehensive, standardized, tech-inspired, collaborative protection.
Protection of our wild giant pandas used to be primitive. Our field work yielded inaccurate and unmanageable data. With environmental awareness and tech advancement, our protection methods have also evolved. We now use infrared cameras and satellites, and combine them with 5G, AI, and cloud for comprehensive, standardized, tech-inspired, collaborative protection.