Cloud-based AI Breaks Through Service Bottlenecks
Powerful Data Storage and Transmission
The monitoring system is deployed throughout the rainforest and provides 24/7 alerts, even in extreme environments. However, it requires a back-end platform to securely and efficiently store and manage the ever-increasing database. With the powerful big data services of HUAWEI CLOUD, the system stores and manages the acoustic data collected from the rainforest in real time and transmits the data to the AI-enabled servers on the cloud.
Accurate Sound Recognition
Based on the HUAWEI CLOUD AI services and ModelArts, an intelligent model is developed to accurately recognize the sounds of the electric saws and trucks used by illegal loggers. When the system detects sounds related to illegal logging, such as the sounds of power saws or truck engines, it reports the location to the rangers for a quick response.
Sound Recognition for Spider Monkeys
In the future, the HUAWEI CLOUD AI services and ModelArts will be used together to help RFCx construct an intelligent model that can detect and analyze the sounds of spider monkeys. In this way, the habitats, threats, and daily behavior of spider monkeys can be learned and forest rangers will be better positioned to help.
HUAWEI CLOUD ModelArts Builds a Precise Sound Model
Collecting Different Sounds in Tropical Rainforests
The Guardian monitoring system collects the sounds of trucks used by illegal loggers in the rainforest.
Using ModelArts to Label Sounds
The ModelArts one-stop AI development platform is used to quickly label abnormal sounds in audio files.
Using ExeML to Optimize the Model
ModelArts ExeML is used to build and optimize the sound recognition model to accurately recognize certain sounds.