Dialog Enterprise’s Huawei Cloud Stack (HCS) helps business to meet security compliance requirement faster than ever before. It can quickly synchronize a wide range of cloud services from the public cloud to ensure its competitive edge and continuous evolution. Enterprises chose Dialog Enterprise’s HSC because of:
• Increasing Pressure on Carriers' Cloud Transformation
Cloud is becoming a crucial part of any digital transformation and is now considered a key economic factor because of its ability to reshape the economic structure and market landscape of individual businesses. The telecom industry has been quick to embrace cloud-based offerings for future growth, particularly with the rollout of 5G networks. Telcos have entered a critical stage of cloud transformation, resulting in many new opportunities and challenges.To support this expansion and take advantage of the new markets these technologies are creating, operators must prioritize the construction of a more efficient and agile ICT infrastructure.
• Dialog B2B users are demanding more complex services with a better experience, Reduce costs and improve efficiency
OPEX continues to grow with a resulting drop in profit margins, and legacy systems and services limit business growth. Dialog has had to act fast to capture the growing B2B enterprise market.This is achieved by converging network, local cloud gateway to multi-cloud platforms and broader strategic partnerships with leading system integrators (SIs). A robust billing system and 24 X 7 service promises have enabled Dialog to move upstream in the cloud value chain. Dialog want to launch hybrid cloud solutions and paved the way for local enterprises to use public cloud services, eliminating unnecessary data outflow from Sri Lanka.
• Global operation, delivery experience, and competitive cloud service partners are required by Dialog
The cloud partner of Dialog should have the capability to scale up, and should be secure enough to depend on it. And also other things like latency and time to market, how fast they can get it sorted out. Those are key criteria that will decide who is the partner and together to take the cloud migration journey forward.
• Huawei Cloud Stack hosted in Sri Lanka.
• For internal applications, use data lake, which data generated or captured from different nodes (RDS, etc) are sent to the data lake in the cloud. Then use several systems backed by the analytics engine to gain insights for Dialog decision making.
• For business resale, support wide range of cloud services including Identity and access management (IAM), Auto Scaling (AS), Elastic Cloud Server (ECS), Object Storage Services (OBS), Cloud Backup and Recovery, Cloud Eye, and more.
• Hosted locally & Unified O&M (including monitoring, alarm reporting, and logging).
• Supports cluster sharing and live migration of cross-generation CPUs in x86 scenarios, fully utilizes existing resource pools, and supports continuous capacity expansion using new-generation CPUs in the future to meet future evolution requirements.
• To cope with service surges, users can configure service system autoscaling policies, such as triggering service system autoscaling at a specific time, a fixed period, and service system pressure, greatly reducing O&M labor costs in this scenario.
• Provides data replication between OBS clusters. If a single AZ is faulty, data is not lost and services are not interrupted.
For more information visit: https://business.dialog.lk/products-services/cloud-co-location/huawei-cloud-stack-online-hcso/