Different from traditional data centers, cloud security involves cloud services in IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS layers as well as technical resources required for internal O&M and operations of cloud service data centers. Cloud security ensures continuous, efficient, stable and secure applications and services.
Cloud services focus on delivering of various security and privacy protection functions and configurations that are optimized, multi-dimensional, and customized, covering IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. In addition, Huawei Cloud security services let you customize a variety of advanced security settings based on each tenant's security needs. These security services boast deep integration with security features, settings, and controls across a multilayered architecture. They represent the seamless orchestration of a number of otherwise siloed technologies and increasingly automated cloud security O&M.
Huawei Cloud's Security and Compliance Responsibilities
Huawei Cloud's security responsibilities include ensuring the security of our IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS services, as well as the physical environments of the Huawei Cloud data centers where our IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS services operate. Huawei Cloud is responsible for not only the security functions and performance of our infrastructure, cloud services, and technologies, but also for the overall cloud O&M security and, in the broader sense, the security compliance of our infrastructure and services.
Your Security and Compliance Responsibilities
Tenants of Huawei Cloud are responsible for security inside the IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS cloud services they have access, particularly for the secure and effective management of any cloud service configurations they have customized. This includes but is not limited to the security configurations used to protect and securely operate virtual networks, virtual host and guest VM OSs, virtual firewalls, API gateways and advanced security services, all types of cloud services, tenant data, and identity and key management.