HUAWEI CLOUD services are usually designed for general purposes, but they keep in line with the industry trends, such as containerization, PaaS adoption, and multi-cloud capabilities. That is why HUAWEI CLOUD is a complement for the Morpheus Lab ecosystem, providing more industry or domain-specific services to further reduce customers' workload building their business applications.
HUAWEI CLOUD provides Relational Database Service (RDS), big data platform, AI platform, Cloud Container Engine (CCE), and Application Orchestration Service (AOS) to take care of security, high availability, and elasticity issues, making it easy to deploy applications on HUAWEI CLOUD.
HUAWEI CLOUD also offered resource packages. The more resources users consume, the more discounts they can get.
Morpheus Labs wanted to make it easier and affordable for developers and enterprises alike to develop blockchain solutions, empowering businesses to solve the unknowns and complexities in blockchain technologies. However, it took time to discover and create ideal solutions or innovations on emerging technologies, from recognizing barriers, adopting a blockchain, to building and testing, and reflecting and responding to leading use cases in respective industries. In reality, most ideas seldom reached their commercialization value because the go-to-market process was costly and time-consuming.
Customer Benefits
From a seamless and unified view, Morpheus Labs SEED resolves customer pain points with innovative tools and services, while giving customers full governance and focus on the business domain. Integrated with the most innovative HUAWEI CLOUD services, SEED would provide blockchain nodes and applications for secure, scalable, and cost-effective production.